Clean Ups
1. Why are they dumping leaves in the woods on my property?
In an effort to reduce the cost to you for carting off-site as well as to be environmentally conscientious, we will utilize wooded areas to recycle the leaves. These leaves will be dumped, raked level, and will breakdown into a topsoil-like matter. The crews will not leave piles of leaves and will put them as far back into the woods as possible.
2. Why do I need a fall clean up?
The primary reason for a fall clean up is to remove the leaves from the lawn and bed areas prior to winter weather and freezing. Leaves left on the lawn can cause damage to the lawn for the following season. Another service that is provided by Basics at time of fall clean up is the removal of annuals and cutting down of perennials/grasses.
3. When do clean ups begin?
As long as weather permits, the first clean up will be done before Thanksgiving. The second round of clean ups will be started once everyone has received their first clean up.
4. Why did I get my last cleanup and there are still leaves down on the property and leaves up on the trees?
There are certain types of trees that will not drop leaves until late fall/winter or even into the next spring. Leaves from neighboring properties will eventually be blown onto your property with wind which is uncontrollable.